Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I’m comin clean…
I got a lot on my chest.
This school stuff…
It has begun.
I have to take a test to see which Math class I’m eligible for.
That class will be a hybrid class.
It means half of the class I take at school,
half I take at home on the pc via the internet.
I’m sick to my stomach with my nerves,…Fear of looking stupid, Fear of failing.
And bc its dumb ass me, fear for my safety at school. I take my placement test on Monday.ACHK!!!
Movin on,….Cheryl spent three hours today filling out applications. Her nerves were workin her, too. Then we got hit a double slammie;I got a sinus headache, she got the beginnings of a Migraine.
I think somehow, by the grace of God & Buddha, we were able to get out of that one. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.
I am very thankful for today. It could have been WAAAAAAY worse, But all together, it wasn’t that bad.
*sigh* okay, here comes the serious stuff every night, I make it a tradition to call my Mawmaw via telephone to ask her how she’s feeling, and to say g’night and most importantly, to tell her that I love her. I kept my promise to both Nana and myself. I see Mawmaw slipping, ya know. The helplessness that was there years leading to Nana’s departure, is that same level of helplessness I feel with Mawmaw. There is this relentless feeling about Mawmaw. It’s a sense of trouble. Every night when I say my prayers this is what I say: “Please God especially Bless my Mawmaw. I hope nothing happens to her, but if it should, please prepare my heart. Please keep her safe from harm’s way, healthy as can be, but mostly, keep her alive. Thank you for allowing me the honor to be her grand-daughter. Amen.” Kinda sappy, I know. But fact is, I’m scared.
But I digress in true Sophia style…Cheryl got the Buddha water fountain I got her. Yup, yup. Said she liked it. I do. I believe we may be close to gettin the Yorkie I want. With the money my Mom will give us…Yes, I believe Tink just may resurrect again. That is all I hafta say for now. Peace, Love, ‘n Pumba Farts.