Friday, October 21, 2005

Muther Fukkers

Today, I had a quite nasty little incident. I went to the corner gas station for my Marlboros and a Coca Cola...I got harrassed, bombarded, and intimidated by the "natives", the customers of the station...who also happen to live in our apartments. One older man singled me out and more or less invited himself into my car for a ride back to the apartments. Mind yall, Cheryl NOR I know ANYBODY within our apartments. We keep to ourselves all the time. We go home to both Orangeburg & Florence to visit with friends and family members. Anyways...The man in my car lets me know that he knows when I am at home by myself and that he knows it is more than just a "roomate" situation, and that he knows i have brought my dog here for a visit. This situation has rattled Cheryl & I both to our bones. We are frankly scared shitless. We filed an intimidation incident report with the Police, and we requested a Patrol car patrol within the apartment grounds tonight. We called our lawyer friend in Cola, who advised us to take the incident report with us to the Managers first thing Monday morning to see if we can get out of our lease. (She's been here for a few years and he current lease is up at the end of February.) My Mother-In-Law-to-Be has assurred us that we will be able to rent one of their houses from them (them being Cheryl's parents) as soon as we want. We are both completely stressed and shaken up. OMFG this SUKKS!! We both came undone and cried and cried. Not that crying will help resolve the situation...But i grew up in Florence...I am NOT accustomed to this...Needless to say, we are moving soon as possible! I hope and pray to the Goddess that we can escape the lease. Cheryl will drive back & forth to work until she can find a job closer to Orangeburg...atleast that's the plan for now anyways. God please watch us and see us through...