Friday, October 21, 2005

More Thoughts On Today...

ya know
tonight we have heard from everybody
our friends and family have really stepped up to bat for us
that means the world to us
so we begin a new journey together
we were planning on moving anyways
just sooner than originally thought
fate has a way of showing you where to go
and it catches your attention
thats for damn sure
i am scared of all this
its so overwhelming
i am hesitant of switching Voc Rehabs
i like my case worker
and my therapist is super
my mind is just SO over loaded with thoughts
racing in a million different directions
we have so much to do
i can't believe i cried today
like the levees in new orleans
it just gave way
i've not cried like that
i cannot even remember
i am thankful i was kept safe
cheryl is right....
we are just so upset because we realized how vulnerable we are
and that is truly scary!
it could've gone way worse than what did happen
thank you Nana & Papa for watching over me
i hope it will go well with the management people
if not
we already have a lawyer
i am so ready to be back in a small town
with stars and dirt roads
and smiles and nice people
i am definately NOT a big city girl
even danny and my mama linda were worried
that was super sweet of them
and according to TB
CW2 is fast approaching
"to finish off what our grandfathers didn't"
gotta love them good ol' country boys
i cried to my own (biological) Mother on the phone
and shoot
i even told her i loved her!
talk about miracles and making progress!!
speaking of making progress...
on my "my name is earl" checklist,
i can cross off the last ex
...or the first...
however you wanna look at it
i took responcibility for my words and actions
i asked forgiveness
ya know
growing up aint as bad as i thought it would be
but not bad
"life has a funny, funny way....of helping you out...of helping you out..."
even she was worried and expressed concern about today's events
Texas even called
she wished me well on all this

i love you, mon femme Bella. thank you for being there for me today. you kept me strong even through the tears. we will come through this okay. we are so fortunate...we trully are. i love you, my sunshine. *MuAh*