Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Wal-Mart Fart

up at 8 & out the door @ 8:30.
as we drove to WalMart,
we saw an ASS of ppl @ this house & we were like
"whats going on, did sumone die?"
then we passed another house w/ even more ppl
*here's ya sign*
when we get to WalMart i'm like uh oh
i gotta 'GO'
and not like the easy be done in a second kinda 'GO'
so as i'm in the already STUNK UP bathroom
paying my homeage to the porcelain goddesses
i'm thinkin ab my list of things to do in a public bathroom
then comes what felt like a BIG fart
so i start laughing
bc in my head,
i see the face of the chick two stalls down
when she hears me rip this huge monster
but my laughing interrupted my fart concencration process
so i couldnt do the monstrocity i'd so devilishly planned
what a waste of a great fart
although it did inspire me to buy 24 rolls of Ass Paper
then Bella got a migraine
she laid down when we got home
i got online to look for something very particular
i want a patch for my bookbag
the iron-on kind
margaret gave me her Hawaiian print monogrammed LL Bean bookbag
(she got a new one this year)
so i need a patch to put over the monogram
i thought about getting the Happy Bunny
but i didnt go crazy over any of those patches
and all the Tinkerbell patches look like SHIT
Stewie was kinda mundane
the only one that halfway appealed to me was Yoda
i just want a funky, smartass, kick ass patch
so giving up, i go outside to begin revamping my garden
i accidently left my PC online
Cheryl got up & we spent the rest of the day doin what she could with her migraine & her weed eater
(she had taken all the meds she could & was tired of laying down so she wanted to try to work through it)
i was driving stuff back & forth b/t the in-laws' house & ours
its very hard for me to drive the 4 wheeler alone
then Mr Bobby attached a basket to the front of the 4 wheeler for Harley
i made harley ride in it
the experiement was a success
at 5:30 i walked harley our normal route
when we got home
i took the car on our route to see exactly how long it was
1.25 miles
maybe i'll lose a few pounds that way
or work in muscle tone either way
peace, luv, 'n walmart farts