Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ode To Grandma

my thoughts go 'round and 'round
the ghosts and halos
only a stigmatism
a sigh of relief
Sarah's not crazy on that account
so it seems the older i get
the more i pay attention to the world surrounding me
i struggled so hard to be nothing
like the monstrosity he is
yet i'm in therapy
to tame his anger and cut throat words
her sheer stupidity and lack of common sense
are the corner stones of my one liner jokes
who she is,
i raged against
now my dream
her reality
with the excusions of the minivan and the whole teacher thing
as the reality dawns upon me
that i am indeed a product
of these two morons
i can't help but to cringe
maybe i could be the crazy grandma
when i'm 80
i could tell the same damn stories over
a million times
of trips long ago
and the stories of devilishly taunting
poor unsuspecting teachers
with my best friend
it might not be the damn sweater story
but hey
wisabus and i got
the matching golden girl t-shirts
that counts
my descendents won't know
the ancient history of who the golden girls were
maybe Sophia's purse will be in
the smithsonian
along side archie bunker's infamous chair
this much i know is true
i know where and what i came from
i know where and what i am and aim to be
i will achieve my heart's desire
beside and with my wife to be
we will attain our mightiest achievment
watch the children grow and leave
and thier children grow
then i can be old
wear purple
pretend like i'm crazy
blame it on my age
and when my favorite grandchild calls me on the phone
to ask what i'm up to,
i'll say
"sitting in my rocking chair, smoking a cigarette, watching tv, and drinking coffee."