Sunday, February 19, 2006

A Lil Weekend Update...

Friday wisabus came to spend the night.
When she got here,
We exchanged crimmus presents.
We are slack, we know.
She gave me a kick ass present:
Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Life Or Something Like It.
Cheryl & I gave her:
Peter Pan Special Edition, A Toilet Book for Brainiacs,
and soap with a pig on it.
We ate some Pasta Weesie,
Went to ride the four wheeler,
Then sat around a camp fire to talk some shit.
We all awoke the next morning to go to the dog show.
We got there in time to see the Yorkies . . .
They was beeeee-youuuuu-teeee-ful!!
We went to grab lunch from Buger King before the dog show . . .
And while we were there,
I bought a Yoda Star Wars watch for $1.
Wis said I was like a child because I wanted to open the watch before I ate my food.
Hey, Im young at heart.
We were SUPPOSED to hear from Jack.
We never did.
( And Im so totally crushed too * sniffle sniffle * )
Wis was bored at the dog show . . .
So we drove two hours to stay for an hour and a half.
We bought Harley a squeaky toy he refuses to acknowledge;
The little faggot ass shithead.
Today Cheryl & I just hung out around the house,
For the most part.
I love spending one on one time like that with her.
We rode the four wheeler to a junk yard full of old ass, classic cars.
It was pretty cool.
Then this evening, my old homeboy called me.

It seems as if some 19 year old has put some humility into 120.
Time will tell, no doubt.
But for his sake,
I hope it is true this go around.
He too deserves happiness.
He may make it to the Extrication Finals out in LA,
Cross ya fingers.
It was good to hear from him.
Maybe we will get to see him in March when we go to Florence.
I have a busy week ahead of me;
I have Doctors to call, appointments to set, getting info from the right peeps
On what I need to do, places I gotta go . . .
Then tonight,
I lit some candles
And my Bella and I had a romantical time together . . .
I absolutely, one hundred percent, get tickled senseless when
She kisses me in the shower
While the water is pouring down on her head
And over our lips
As they touch in wondrous, sensuous ecstasy.
Makes me feel like our souls are intertwining
And we become stronger by the second.
I am truly Blessed to have MY Bella.
120 was super impressed when I told him
It will be one year next month for me & Cheryl.
Hot damn.
I think I might just indeed be growing up.
Not too much though…
I would not be Sarah if I grew up too much.

I gotta voice my opinion about some things:

The Dick Cheney incident-
-ACCIDENTS HAPPEN IN HUNTING!! The reason he delayed notifying the public is obvious. If you were VP, wouldnt you want some damn privacy in the time of a tradegy? You know the press would smell the blood ( pun INTENDED ), and hunt YOUR ass down like a rabid dog.
-I will use text from Rosies Blog to let yall see. I agree 100% with all was in her Blog about the incident.
* Mary said: After hearing Cheneys account of his feelings after shooting a human - hmmmm - I say he goes right to the front lines in Iraq to share that with our young soldiers and maybe hear about their feelings too. Big difference between birdshot tho - eh?
-yes mary - yes - exactly what i thought when i saw dicks pain - is - he asks our children to kill daily - to kill other humans - to shoot them with guns - to take livesit is not easy to kill a human- odd 2 me also - that his first words were not im sorry

February 17th, 2006 -
quail - Posted by ro @ 9:17 am in in the news
THE VICE PRESIDENT . . . But the image of him falling is something I will never be able to get out of my mind. I fired, and theres Harry falling. And it was, Id have to say, one of the worst days of my life, at that moment.
You cant blame anybody else. Im the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend. And I say that is something I will never forget.
Q Was anybody drinking in this party?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: No. You don’t hunt with people who drink.Thats not a good idea. We had –
Q So he wasnt, and you werent?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Correct……………………………………I had a beer at lunch. *

Hmm, double edged sword, there. Accidents in hunting do happen. But it is quite the irony that it was the VP who shot somebody.

Food For Thought-- A poem

Anchored In You...
Sailing upon smooth waters,
I am anchored in you.
No turbulance,
water, clear glass.
Wind as it blows,

your fingers in my hair.
Sun on my face,
your touch.
Casting my sails in your direction,
I am coming home.
A star that wears your name,
is lending me direction,
the brightest in all the skies.
Waters that rock me gently,
lulling my sea soaked soul.
Your heart the harbor...
I will dock in...lover, I am anchored in you.
My sea fairing soul...
lowering my anchor...
inside the heart that is speaking to me.
My love...
I am anchored in you.