Thursday, February 28, 2008

ramblings, part deux.

much to the m-i-l and lovey's dismay,
kitty-kitty is here to stay.
for an avid dog lover i sure have grown quite fond of her.
i am a proud cat owner.
(its only a corner of hell that hath frozeth over.)

i am PMSing like crazy,
which has me all sentimental and crappola.
time to confess,
i have this secret addiction online...
i have a...certain...genre of blogs that i read daily.
and reading them in this time of month really isn't healthy.
its like carousing target when you only have $2 in cash,
payday is in 5 days, and you're almost outta gas.
its really isn't condusive.
yet there i am,
daily, the lesbian parenting blog addict that i am.
actually to be specific,
i am totally mesmerized by lesbians who are TTC.
the daily documentation of it all...
is so amazingly beautiful.

lovey says she doesn't want children.
part of me can understand that because of her...*ahem*
"years of wisdom".
but then there is a part of me that is drawn to it blindly.
like the sea turtles innately drawn back to the shore on which they were birthed.
the moon guides them.
i'm sure they don't know nor understand why they return to the same shores,
they just go where their bodies lead them.
and my body tells me that one day i''ll be a mommy.
i hope like crazy that lovey will choose to partake in that,
because truthfully,
i think that we would make an amazing little family.
there is nothing more in this entire world that she could do to make me more happy than making a family with me.

she's so cute when she gets frustrated with harley & jackson
(and yes, i realize that dogs are vastly different than children,
but romantasize with me and go with the flow).
us in our quiet, quaint little country home,
dogs, and (now) a kitty-kitty,...
i can't think of anything to better complete my life or my life with lovey.

now don't misconstrue what i am saying,
i dont wish to run out there to look for a baby daddy so lovey and i can be mommies by next year, no.
first comes school,
then so forth.
i've often heard that if you wait until you're financially ready for a baby,
then it'll never happen.
i just hope against all hopes that lovey will choose to remain by my side for this when the time is right.

for now we have a fish tank that we (hopefully) have found the CORRECT solution to fixing.
i swear, that thing has me feelin dumber than f. gump himself.

i'm super excited about the remaining part of this week.
we get to see mason,
and we are going home to florence!!
i'm SO excited about that.
i miss my family something fierce.
i know lovey gets all flustered with all the chaos,
but i love it.
i know i'm home when i hear the boys yelling and carrying on.
(albeit that damn dog can go to hell.)
we're gonna get to see my friends, and family.

i'm sleepy, so i'm going to bed.
peace out, whores.