Cheryl scored as The Surprise! Dyke. (Aww!! I LOVE MY BELLA!!)
Despite the dead giveaways, such as the tattoos and love of the L Word, people still seem to think that you're straight.
The Surprise! Dyke- 80%
The Bohemian Dyke -60%
The Granola Dyke -50%
The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke -40%
The Stud -40%
The Student Dyke -40%
The Femme Fatale -35%
The Sprightly Elfin Femme -30%
The Magic Earring Ken Dyke -15%
The Pretty-Boi Dyke -10%
The Little-Boy Dyke -10%
The Quasi-Gothic Femme -10%
The Hipster Dyke -0%
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Surprise! Dyke
Posted by State of Grace at 1:21 PM