tuesday night bookclub on abc...
its a duplicate of BRAVO'S orange county house wives.
one after another,
they're all the same.
it must suck, suburbia,
bein the same,
and never thinking for yourself,
are there really pathetic house wives like that?
it only goes to prove my theory;
dumbasses are a highly contagious virus
that multiplies 100 billion times per day.
then on we is bridezilla's...
do the women think this show enhances their image?
i can't help but to think that
a) i feel sorry for the husbands to be and that
b) the husbands to be are stupid.
perhaps they think the show is "their shot at fame"?
what about TLC's 10 Years Younger?
it's just damn demeaning.
it seems to me,
that in our history,
women sacrificed their lives to empower other women.
and today,
ungrateful dumbasses are rushing headfirst
to degrade what women have worked so hard for.
its truly about respect and karma.
it really is.
i see it all around me.
its like i'm watching a movie
and all of the people in my life,
past or present,
are the characters.
i see the disrespect and karma
that has caught up with them.
Lord knows,
my shit caught me,
but nirvana and self respect can turn anybody around.
nobody's perfect.
but everybody's perfect for somebody.
it is so neat,
if you stop and observe.
watching lives around you,
how the characters condone themselves,...
i am so unbelievably thankful for everyday i have
and for the wonderful people i cherish.
i am so Blessed.
i have an awesome and hilariously coo-coo grandma,
adorable brothers,
a cool lil sister,
another baffling strong sister,
an amazing partner,
a cute little doggie,
loyal childhood friends,
a sweet country cottage...
it doesn't get better than that!!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Dumbass Bitches & PRETTY Purple!!
Posted by State of Grace at 1:40 PM