math is going great.
i hafta wonder about the muslim girl.
i don't wanna say that she's stupid,...
she's just led a very sheltered life.
vista is okay.
some good,
some irritating.
but alright overall.
we got our glider outta the woods yesterday,
to revitalize it.
we saw one in Decatur at that antique shop selling for $750,
so we were like well damn.
i sanded it down yesterday to get the rust off,
and today,
we're painting it.
we couldn't find the retro teal color i wanted,
so it'll be navy-ish.
oh well.
life as a newly wed is wonderful!!
it feels SUPERBLY WONDEROUS to dance in the purple rays of the sun!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Posted by State of Grace at 11:58 AM