spring is here, my dear.
11 days to go.
anna nicole is buried.
her mom tried to stop the burial all the way up until the MORNING of the burial.
then at the burial site,
shovels in the dirt atop the grave,
and once she completes that task,
i s'pose there will always be the Vergie's, Richard's, Billy's, & Candice's of the world.
thank my lucky stars they aren't in my world!!
93 on the paper that bout made me go bald.
not bad.
the professor's still an ass, though.
i swear,
the longer i live,
the more i despise men.
straight men.
asswipes on the butt of humanity.
cheney's got a blood clot,
the cia leaker is guilty,
the white supremisists are gaining clout,
a man confessed to dismembering his wife,
there's a march on DC on 3-17 to get a movement started to impeach bush,
and VA hospitals are under scrutiny for lack of proper medical care of our vets,...
our country is on her way down.
my great grand children will not know of america, the land of the free.
the path we are taking is trandsgresional.
why not put cloths on our head,
rape and torture the women & children,
ressurect slavery,
send all the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, & transgendered to a camp where we can have another holocaust,
and take away free speech?
i've said it before & i'll say it agin,
i support the troops, not the war.
whatever greater power there is,
if it exists even,
we need your help.
this country needs your help.
spring is here, my dear.
11 days to go.
anna nicole is buried.
her mom tried to stop the burial all the way up until the MORNING of the burial.
then at the burial site,
shovels in the dirt atop the grave,
and once she completes that task,
i s'pose there will always be the Vergie's, Richard's, Billy's, & Candice's of the world.
thank my lucky stars they aren't in my world!!
93 on the paper that bout made me go bald.
not bad.
the professor's still an ass, though.
i swear,
the longer i live,
the more i despise men.
straight men.
asswipes on the butt of humanity.
cheney's got a blood clot,
the cia leaker is guilty,
the white supremisists are gaining clout,
a man confessed to dismembering his wife,
there's a march on DC on 3-17 to get a movement started to impeach bush,
and VA hospitals are under scrutiny for lack of proper medical care of our vets,...
our country is on her way down.
my great grand children will not know of america, the land of the free.
the path we are taking is trandsgresional.
why not put cloths on our head,
rape and torture the women & children,
ressurect slavery,
send all the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, & transgendered to a camp where we can have another holocaust,
and take away free speech?
i've said it before & i'll say it agin,
i support the troops, not the war.
whatever greater power there is,
if it exists even,
we need your help.
this country needs your help.