Saturday, March 31, 2007
Posted by State of Grace at 7:31 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
and the countdown begins...
the count down is ON!!
i cannot WAIT til we get Jackson!!
today was Reba's bday.
pretty fuckin rockin at 52!!
i can't WAIT to see her!!
all i gotta do is just make it through the next few weeks...
Posted by State of Grace at 11:29 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007

i tell ya,...
life is GREAT!!
so far this year,
i have found out that i have a 4.0 gpa,
i married my lady,
and i finally found a good responsible breeder!!
we found a blue dapple doxie!!
we've named him Jackson.
he's only 3 weeks right now,
so i'll get him sometime before my birthday.
everything is falling into place,
i swear.
i'm falling in love with my wife all over again.
she's got the cutest wittle pouty face,
and when she gets frustrated,...
she's just damnit adorable!!
i still hafta pinch myself
bc i'm married,
with the life i've always yearned for.
dreams really can come true,
as disney-esque as that may sound.
on the way home from seeing Jackson,
we saw a sign on the side of an ABANDONED,
run down,
single wide trailer that said:
ah yes.
welcome, indeed.
Posted by State of Grace at 4:33 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
math is going great.
i hafta wonder about the muslim girl.
i don't wanna say that she's stupid,...
she's just led a very sheltered life.
vista is okay.
some good,
some irritating.
but alright overall.
we got our glider outta the woods yesterday,
to revitalize it.
we saw one in Decatur at that antique shop selling for $750,
so we were like well damn.
i sanded it down yesterday to get the rust off,
and today,
we're painting it.
we couldn't find the retro teal color i wanted,
so it'll be navy-ish.
oh well.
life as a newly wed is wonderful!!
it feels SUPERBLY WONDEROUS to dance in the purple rays of the sun!!
Posted by State of Grace at 11:58 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
the weekend we became Mrs.

Upon arriving in Decatur,
We met with Don (the man who presided over the ceremony).
we needed to meet him prior to the ceremony.
he gave us a reading for free,which was incredibly generous on his behalf.
It turns out that I am the more balanced of us 2
(imagine that!!)
Cheryl has ADD (LMFAO)
She is the confuzzled one,
Whereas I am the grounded one.
He said when she gets confused,
She should listen to me bc I have all the answers.
Somebody validates me!!
I’ve been TRYING to tell my woman this well known fact all along!!
He suggested which direction for us to go.
My baby’s gotta get past her insecurities,
And evidently,
I’mma do some international-helping others-internationally-angelina jolie type shindig.
That meeting with Don really spoke to my soul.
After that, we blew an obscene amount of moo-lah in that store.
I’m glad we could do that, though.
The three amigo’s ate Jamaican food,
And Liz discovered my secret obsessive Popsicle eating disorder.
We checked into our hotel to relax,
Ate at the Decatur square,and returned to the hotel to discover the ‘indoor heated pool’ listed on the website was false advertisement,
And that the room phone didn’t work.
That promised free complimentary b’fast was an astounding $25.
Then off to the park,
Where we becames a pair of Mrs.
I promised her my honesty, devotion, respect, and love,
Then promised to always make her smile,
and then I said
“and it is with deepest meaning that I can say – that you are the wind beneath my sheets.”
Hey I couldn’t be all mushy gushy.
Then my Bella’s vows were so unbelievably sweet & deep.
We raced back to mason’s apt to get out of the windy cold,
Relaxed, and I indulged in my now exposed Popsicle frenzy.
We changed clothes and headed for the Atlanta Louve Museum.
Amazing exhibits.
I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to see any Botticelli’s.
On the way back from there,
I got our crew to stop by this quaint, eclectic antique store that beckoned to me.
Cheryl & I bought a sun & moon themed sun dial.
There was this room in the back that had old clothes, hats, scarves & shoes.
OMG the energy in that room that so strong!!
We tried on hats, as you can see.
An incident @ the mellow mushroom caused us to eat at mason’s,
Which was totally fine by me bc it was wayyyy too crowded anyways.
We crashed out early & awoke the next morning ready to go home!!
Well, me anyways, bc I was homesick for my Harley.
B’fast/brunch @ “the moon” was an eclectic, charming way to bid farewell to Decatur.
Ah yesth, yesth, yesth.
I feel different now,
I truly do.
I am a Mrs.I have a Wife.
We are a Symbiotic partnership.
I’ve never been as happy and content as i am now.
Earlier tonight,
She said she was falling in love all over again…
Truth be told,
We’re both falling in love all over again.
Posted by State of Grace at 11:40 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
purple horizon.
so tomorrow shall prove an exhausting day.
we hafta fold a mountain of clothes,...
and i do mean a MOUNTAIN.
then, we'll clean the house to our satisfaction.
and sometime during the day,
my Pookie wants to get her hair cut,
although i dunno why cuz i think she is adorable just the way she is!!
cook supper,
watch grays anatomy,
and go to bed.
rise 'n shine & out the door at 6 a.m.
its off to Georgia to become a Mrs.
how about that?
"the time has come, the walrus said..."
to jump on the back of the horse,
she's there to help me up,
its almost sunset.
Posted by State of Grace at 11:58 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
a penny for your thoughts.
its funny how a song on the radio can kidnap you and yank you back to an earlier time.
i found THE WILKINSONS songs on AOL Music.
i used to play them in the mornings on my way to school in my CD player in my car.
i thought i was hot to trot,
let me tell you.
it was my "feel-good" CD.
my days began with an easy going smile.
then, i'd walk into school.
gosh, how i hated and loved that place.
i remember walking through the hallways,
dreaming of true love
and a life outside of Florence's choking boundries.
a life with my own identity,
not being known as "Missy's daughter."
i didn't know what was out there,
but i salivated at the very thought of a life i didn't yet have.
i didn't know how,
but somehow i was to be rescued by that knight in shining armour.
we'd run off into the sunset to happily ever after.
in retrospect,
oh i see so many things wrong with that dream.
i wish i'd been taught to not believe in fairytales.
but i guess i had to learn all on my own.
now that i am the woman about to make a committment to my wonderful partner,
i cannot help but to look back at my old selves.
the unhappy little girl scared of her friends,
so she became the neighborhood bully nobody picked on...
that little girl was so sad.
i haven't yet figured out why she was so damn sad.
she began to blossom with girl scouts,
but still she was forgotten by the two of whom she most wanted their attention and affection.
a bitchy, angst riddled teen emerged.
she sat at home on friday nights watching steve urkel,
and waiting impatiently for that call from CMA.
then on monday mornings,
she turned green with envy looking at the preps,
who had some sort of secret, preppy life.
she wanted that invite to dance with them.
to see what it'd be like.
but super nintendo summers at the lake,
a true disgust for one sibling,
total awe for the twins,
and upset tummies after weekends at her dad's....
that is what her life was like.
then came the magical series of events that would shape who became next...
senior spring break,
losing her virginity,
totaling her car,
being forced into a pint sized miserable dorm at a college she hated.
what self worth she had,
went circling down a dirty drain,
like the one in her dormroom.
FMU was her quintessential prison.
and her mama was the warden who had the key.
years of lonliness, heartache, self destruction, and hatred
followed her like a dark cloud above her head.
drugs, revenge, and rock bottom couldn't penetrate her stone cold heart.
a devestating mistake reverberated within her soul
and she swore to never lose the one she truly loved again.
then came a sky of beautiful purple,
with her lover standing strong beside her,...
the healing began.
now, i am getting married.
and that little girl,...
she's happy now.
that teenager,...
well, everyone is entitled to their "Vadar" side.
but she's not dark anymore.
the woman i am,
i am ecstatically content.
maybe that's the real life fairytale?
i think so.
i've never been so sure of something in my life.
Posted by State of Grace at 11:40 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
yesth, yesth.
it seems that my father-in-law's dog,
a chocolate lab/dalmation mix,
has an unrequited homosexual affection for my harley.
puddin began lickin his chops,
with the hammy eyes,
walking in circles around harley,
trying to do that things dogs do,
to say bonjour.
harley's lip starts to tremble,
then he unleashes his most macho bark
(which sounds like a fairy writhing in ecstacy),
and leaps into the air like a Juliard trained ballerina,
to pretend to bite his stalker.
puddin backs away unphased,
but still has that hungry look in his eyes.
a hunger that only another male dog can fulfill.
and then the ritual begins again.
and they say being a homo aint natural.
so the scientists claim we are extincting ourselves.
they are just realizing this?
now i cannot help but to feel more right.
i was right when i said that humans are frikkin dumbasses.
the USA is on her way down,
as is our world.
i kinda hafta wonder what the world will be like for my future generation.
what can i do to make it better?
i'm going to make a permenant conscious effort to be more green.
its my human duty.
ahhhhhhhh haaaaaaa!!
i amuse myself.
tomorrow we clean house.
my PC comes tuesday morning,
then bella works tuesday and wednesday nights,
and thursday liz comes,
and friday morning,
we leave for atlanta.
and saturday,
we are to be wed.
that's a scary thought.
who woulda thought that the girl who was so self destructive,
was finally starting to make something of herself?
it seems i have found my purple.
i'll still have tense days.
ya know,
like when ya dunno if it'll be a fart or a shart,
yeah, that kinda tense.
but it'll all be okay in the end anyways.
either way,
that fart and/or shart will air out somehow.
it'll all be okay.
Posted by State of Grace at 9:27 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
fall, damnit. fall.
Libby found guilty for the CIA leak.
Libby, the fallout guy for Dick...
Dick with the blood clot &
Dick who survived an assination attempt (damnit).
The Attorney General has found that the FBI used the Patriot Act illegally.
Meanwhile, Baby Bush attempts to assert his "Fatherly" presense,
to blindly lead us in to another war.
He fooled us the first time,
but alas,
America, like Rip van Wrinkle, is slowly waking.
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall...
On the personal side,
an 'A' on a math test I did not expect,
a new PC is fast on its way,
exactly one week until our big day,
and happy birthday to margaret & mawmaw!!
15 & 78.
"One more candle & a trip around the sun,..."
Posted by State of Grace at 1:39 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
help us all.
spring is here, my dear.
11 days to go.
anna nicole is buried.
her mom tried to stop the burial all the way up until the MORNING of the burial.
then at the burial site,
shovels in the dirt atop the grave,
and once she completes that task,
i s'pose there will always be the Vergie's, Richard's, Billy's, & Candice's of the world.
thank my lucky stars they aren't in my world!!
93 on the paper that bout made me go bald.
not bad.
the professor's still an ass, though.
i swear,
the longer i live,
the more i despise men.
straight men.
asswipes on the butt of humanity.
cheney's got a blood clot,
the cia leaker is guilty,
the white supremisists are gaining clout,
a man confessed to dismembering his wife,
there's a march on DC on 3-17 to get a movement started to impeach bush,
and VA hospitals are under scrutiny for lack of proper medical care of our vets,...
our country is on her way down.
my great grand children will not know of america, the land of the free.
the path we are taking is trandsgresional.
why not put cloths on our head,
rape and torture the women & children,
ressurect slavery,
send all the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, & transgendered to a camp where we can have another holocaust,
and take away free speech?
i've said it before & i'll say it agin,
i support the troops, not the war.
whatever greater power there is,
if it exists even,
we need your help.
this country needs your help.
Posted by State of Grace at 3:35 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
16 days.
16 days left...
we go to florence tomorrow.
saturday we head to myrtle beach for shopping.
get to see everybody.
and i gotta find
something old
something new
something borrowed
and something blue.
only a phone call stands between my moving on.
the cloud is lifting.
rays of purple are streaming through.
elisabeth is "ignorant."
how fucking GREAT is that?!
anna nicole gets laid to rest tomorrow.
even that will be a media circus.
this story,
though beautifully tragic,
is dominating the news.
our government has executed GAG ORDERS
to prevent the TRUTH from being told to Americans.
our government is full of war criminals.
bush, cheney, & rumsfield are murderers.
they are calling for a surge of troops for iraq,
and possibly iran (bc gosh knows, we need another war).
this is a distraction, people!!
bin laden and al quieda are REBUILDING.
how many more American murders will it take to impeach bush?
after the next next al quieda attack,
and there will be one
bc the bush administration is trying to blind the American public to this,...
when it happens,
we NEED to FULLY PROSECUTE BUSH & CHENEY for war crimes & hang him.
we can throw them on top of sadam's grave & piss on them.
everything this country fought for --
its all gone.
we now live in a censored country,
who's president believes gay Americans are 2nd class citizens,
& to further prove his moronic theory,
this SAME president
signed into law the patriot act,
which takes away our right to privacy.
no longer am i proud to be an american,
bc bush does NOT represent me.
its funny how the dixie chicks once condemned him,
now have 5 grammys.
maybe there is hope.
if not,...
welcome to the demise of this country.
Posted by State of Grace at 11:32 PM