Tuesday, January 02, 2007

here's to 2007

2006 was a big year for Little Tink.
she grew up.
kicked a few nasty habits.
got my priorities in line.
returned to school.
found old friends.
made new ones.
got rid of the final toxic ones.
and the biggest of all...
i started to truly appreciate things.
my wonderful wife,
my awesome dog,
the way our yards look in a summertime down pour,
how a four wheeler and a dirt road can soothe your soul,
my friendships with my best friends,
my crazy Mawmaw and her repetative stories,
my beautiful sisters,
my silly brothers,
my mom,
how fragile life is...
its so fragile.
its a Blessing to enjoy,
but when taken away,
a gut wrenching heart ache.
its a beautifully tragic fragile state of being.
learning to walk that tight rope,
and finding your inner balance of being...
that place between the stars and earth,
that place between a midsummer night's dream and a cold winter's bite,
somewhere between the mountains and the oceans,
the spring and the fall,
love and hate,
tears and laughter,...
that place...
that's what matters in my life.
that's my happy thought.
no more folklore,
no more childhood fables.
no fairytales.
just my life.
my wonderful,
splendidly fulfilled life.
here's to 2007.