tick tock
tick tock
time slow dances by.
reading 'Plantation'
pretty damn good book
based in the great state of SC
its about facing adversity,
learning who you really are,
and coming home again.
seems to me
that most SC based books i've read
are all about great loves,
great landscapes,
and coming home again
hope still resides in me
that one day i'll finish my story
and perhaps show the world
and my mother
that i am not a failure
an author
how fukking cool would that be?
took a bubble bath to relax tonight
lavender smells great
tickles my senses
eases my mind.
listened to some james taylor,
he's the man,
got my daily fix for checking ro's journal
she didn't write today
june's supposed to be returning to flotown tomorrow
i wish for her
but isn't that something we all could use a little of in this god forsaken
2,200 journalists awaiting michael jackson verdict,
rich get richer,
assholes thrive,
children yearning for love,
and hate filled world.
going to jamison tomorrow to see my girl's family
good home cooked food
that i eat too much of.
i close my eyes
to shut out the world
and remember innocence
and true happiness
in a time of friends,
and honking at parked cars,
15 little girls singing
"make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold, circle's round, it has no end, that's how long i want to be your friend..."
ah yes,
life is good
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Nostalgic Silver & Gold
Posted by State of Grace at 11:48 PM