so i came back to charleston
on sunday
being home was nice
but it stressed me out big time
all one big fight
then to put thet icing on the cake
an expensive doc's visit
such bull shit it all was
the doc prescribed creme for my hives
i felt like fukkin frankenstein or some other monster
today cheryl and i
drove around charleston
went to mt pleasant for some skrimp
with the heads still on
scary lil bastards they are
went down town to look at all
the eye candy
they're such conformists, barbie doll padewan, suburbia fakes
its sickening
but i try to let the natural beauty
of the architechture and its surroundings
drown out the humdrum house wives in training
tomorrow a.m.
we're going to the spoleto festival down town
gonna get all artsy fartsy and check out the local artists' works
ash called
he's going to atl pride with us
that's gonna be interesting
to say the least
i'm super excited
i'm off to read a book
peace out, world.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Mediocre Update
Posted by State of Grace at 5:54 PM