one more candle and a trip around the sun
they sing
time flies
situations may change
but shit's still the same
have you ever noticed that?
its mind blowing
at how some people
are stuck
they're in a rut
time is whizzing by
death consumes faceless people
pure hearts birthed everyday
only to begin that journey towards death
these stagnet people have become so jaded
that they're immune to what takes place around them
thus the reason that in which
time ages their faces
but they're still the same cold and dark souls they always were
with life streaming by
at an alarming speed
its hard to refrain from becoming jaded
i hear them all talking
saying all the bad things they can about me
truth is
they dunno me
nor will they ever
if small town backyard picket fence gossip makes them content
then so be it
its their life
and to each its own
to those rare few who do know me
then they know enough
just a few
know me true
and to those that do
are those who i believe in
and its those who believe in me
it is those who i give a two shits about
about what they say
for you see,
the truest of a friend would never
stab you in the back
the definition of a true friend
is the same of that of a true love
isn't that something to ponder?
to love trully,
whole heartedly,
flawlessly perfect,
perfectly flawless,
and without a statute of limitations
Sunday, May 29, 2005
MY 'Window On The World'
Posted by State of Grace at 12:40 AM