ticking clock
changing into pj's
lost my footing
and bam!
head collides with the tub
i tell her it hurts just a little
i be the good wifey,
pack her supper
and kiss her goodbye as she departs for work
within minutes
my vision blurs,
nausia hits my tummy,
a headache soon follows
and a headache from Hell is born
i refuse to go to the er
i've paid my dues in hospital/er time
the thought of another Mother Teresa look-a-like
proding and poking a huge ass needle into my foot bone
and leaving my feet black and blue yet again repulses me
and scares me from stepping foot into Charleston County er
it takes my grandmother
to tell (not ask) me to carry my behind to get examined
so my wonderful girl
sends her crew of medics to pick me up
i tell ya
they quinches my yearning to ride in the ambulance
patient vs joyride
a helluva difference
no wait in the er
the cute lil doc sees me immediately
the nurse,
another open heart veteran
the staff in this er,
prompt and well mannered
unlike either Florence or Dar Co hospitals
i wonder
whether they're being this attentative
because i'm cheryl's girl
or if its because they're actually a good staff
a little of both
me thinks
a cat scan,
one percoset,
and one anti-dizzy pill later
i am released
just a concussion
they tell me
the cute doc prescribes anti dizzy meds
and i'm escorted upstairs by the homophobe
he's nice
it makes me wonder
how someone so nice
cannot understand blind love
so anyways
to the fourth floor i go
safely returning to my girlfriend
she came to see me while i was waiting in the er
thirty seconds after walking in,
she talks into her walkie talkie
which turns me on
in .03 seconds
i feel guilty for my high libido
i feel like a faerie nymph sometimes
but i swear thats how attracted to her i am
the more i look at her
the more in love i fall
and the more of a horn toad i get
its a combination of a lot of things when i gaze at her
but tonight
she showed me how much she cared for me
by sending her crew to fetch me
so sunday is mothers day
and i think of the women who have influenced my life
my Nana, Mawmaw, Mrs B, Dr Belotti (Mros)
all but one a mother
and even she has her children that remember her from two decades ago
bein a mother
completing the circle of life
like its sung
in The Lion King
sunday we unload
only to pack
then leave for Tennessee
so i can sit on my ass in my bikini
while Bella white water rafts with a redhead
i am reminded of that faithful beach trip
with fitch, m, and b
but i have faith,
and pixie dust
and pure love
that makes this situation different
next subject,
small town gossip spreads like wild fire
the fire burns the promises
only ashes remain to remind us of those broken words
hurt feelings and disapointment grow
within the residue of the ashes
my head is swimming
of pointless thoughts
as my eyes try to adjust to her blinding beauty
after all,
she is my angel
Sunday, May 08, 2005
A Bump On Mah Noggin
Posted by State of Grace at 3:33 AM