Friday, April 18, 2008

dear blog,

i have arrived at a bittersweet decision.
its time to say goodbye to you.
its not that i haven't enjoyed my time here,
but i feel i need a change...
i am afraid i've outgrown you.
that's what life is all about, right?
be it good or bad,
like the stems of a plants,
we grow.
i won't be erasing you, my little blog,
i could never do that.
you have become my foundation on which i walk upon.
i just won't be contributing to you any longer.
as for my new blog,
don't be jealous.
she is young and tender, and i'll mold her just like i molded you.
she'll never replace you, my dear old blog.
for those scarce few who chance upon you,
shall email me and i'll send them an invite to my new blog,
as it is a private one.
fall fades to the still of winter,
and from the dead arises a phenomenal rebirth,
there's a reason my birthday is in the spring.
just when i feel like i am gasping for air...
here comes spring,
and i am invigorated once again.
cosmically taureans are opposed and obstinate to change,
but i feel it necessary at the moment.
growth can only be good.
i have had a bittersweet affair with you,
but alas, it is time to depart and find my new ground elsewhere.
but you, you are like my tattoo,
always with me.

with love always,
state of grace.