Where do I begin?!
First of all, I wish to extend my deepest thanks and never ending appreciation to Joey for his amazing generosity.
Words cannot express the depths of my gratitude.
Your gifts will never be forgotten.
Everything has its place and time, so they say.
This adage could not have been truer on the day of January 25, 2008.
After being totally and completely entranced by the "Reba room,"
a tank of gas, a quick stop at the Huddle House to check up on
Billy, we were on our way to Winston-Salem North Carolina for
our fifth row "Reba & Kelly Clarkson, 2 Worlds 2 Voices TOUR 2008."
On the ride up there, hell for that matter, the entire time, we were
the biggest most *psychotic* fanatical Reba dorks around.
After a scary ride through the ghetto, and *stalking* observing the
tour buses, we settled upon an IHOP for food. Then it was back
across the street to the convention center.
There were two radio DJ booths in front of the convention center
for the early birds, like us. At the first booth, was a raffle that we
entered to win random prizes, including backstage passes. But the drawing would be at seven,
and we were not about to stand in the 35° weather for about 40 minutes, so back to the car we went.
However, on the way back to the car we heard the second radio
DJ announce their contest for backstage passes. We looked at
each other and made a beeline for that booth. Turns out it was a
karaoke contest. They would play a few seconds of part of a
Reba song, turn the song off, and you had to sing as much as you
could, getting the lyrics correct. Well I knew that this would not
be a problem, as the two of us happened to be the biggest Reba
dorks either side of the Mason Dixon.
The lady in front of us had the song Fancy,… which everybody
knows. But what did she do? She BOMBED it. Like, seriously. This
woman should be ashamed to call herself a Reba fan.
Then Joey gets up there. His random song was Little Rock. My
friends, this is a 1986 release. To no surprise, he nailed it. And I
mean that he nailed it like Tommy Lee nailed Pamela Anderson. I
was standing about 3 to 5 feet in front of him screaming the lyrics
along with him like a damn fool. And what happens next? Wham
bam, thank ya ma'am...he wins us backstage passes to meet Reba.
Little did we know, that we would also be meeting Kelly as well.
Though he had me beat on the number of Reba concerts
attended, this would be my second time meeting a Reba, his first.
You can only imagine the sheer pandemonium that followed.
Fast forwarding… Reba is as beautiful as she was in person in '97.
No I take that back, more beautiful. And good goddess, Kelly is
smokin. The thighs on her…could make me believe in God. There
is no better high than meeting the Reba in person. None.
So let me fast forward a little bit more... the concert was
phenomenal. Only the truest of Reba fans who have attended her
concerts in recent years would know that her voice just can't hit
the notes that it once could. But my dears, Kelly brought out the
best in Reba. Mrs. McEntire once again has managed to resurrect
the emotion and the heartiness back into her concerts. The
concert left you lacking for nothing. It can be said that this
particular concert can be undoubtedly compared to the Reba
concert circa the 1990s. It was simply amazing.
(Pictures will be posted at a later time,
as I have a Bio 101 test tomorrow that I have failed to study for.
Yeah, I know. Boo on me.
"Oh wait, what was I busy doing, you ask? Oh I was having a little
pow-wow time with mah buddies Reba and Kelly Clarkson. What
were YOU doing? Yeah, that's what I thought.")
Needless to say, when I crawled into my bed at 3:30 a.m., I was
one happy tired little white girl.
Now, I must do some bragging on my twin brothers. On Saturday
they were in Columbia to go to the zoo when they stopped in at
Harpers restaurant for a bite to eat. Who walks in? Barack
Obama. Yeah. Ellis was the one who spoke to Obama. He even
made it on NBC Nightly News. That is the national news, yall.
Then, a reporter from the Boston Globe interviewed him.
Underneath this is the story. (However, the picture is Ellis's REINACTMENT of the face Obama made when Ellis
asked him the question he asked.)
I am the happiest girl in the world.
Peace and Love,
Obama gives diners a lunch rush
Email|Link|Comments (0) Posted by Scott Helman, Political Reporter January 26, 2008 03:06 PM
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- On today's lunch menu: Soup, salad, and Barack Obama.
Diners at Harper's Restaurant just off Columbia's downtown got a special visit
today from Obama, who was making a final pitch for votes as South Carolina
Democrats went to the polls. He spent about a half-hour greeting the lunch
and brunch crowd, stopping by nearly every table to pose for photographs
and exchange pleasantries.
"I might get to shake hands with the future president!" one woman said
excitedly into her cell phone as Obama arrived. As Obama began to work his
way around the room, he approached a family gathered around a big table and
said, "How's it going, everybody?" Then he grabbed a white napkin off their
table and wiped his hands. "I got a little juice on me," he said.
Beverly Wilburn, a cook at the restaurant, came out of the kitchen to greet
him. "You got my vote," she told him. "All right." Asked if she had voted yet,
Wilburn said, "As soon as I get off of work."
But Obama didn't have it so easy with Ellis and Alex Caulkins, precocious 12-
year-old twins from Florence, S.C. "Hey, Obama, what are you going to do
about foreign policy?" Ellis asked, telling Obama he didn't seem to be making
many campaign promises. Obama reiterated his vow to get American troops
out of Iraq, then asked the twin boys what they were doing today. Ellis
explained that they were headed to Riverbanks Zoo and Garden in Columbia.
"That sounds fun," Obama said, before the boys' grandfather pulled them away.
"Let's go eat, boys, time to eat," he said.
Back at his table, Ellis said he wasn't satisfied with Obama's answer, but
admitted he had something of an agenda. "I don't want another Democrat," he
said, professing admiration for Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. "We have
enough of them."
Fortunately for Obama, Ellis will be at the zoo today, not at a polling place.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
reba and kelly, ellis and obama.
Posted by State of Grace at 9:38 PM