So it seems that our son has recovered fully.
A few more rounds of antibiotics and he’ll be good to go.
As for moi,
I finally got rid of that horrid tummy bug.
Our fish tank cleared up out of nowhere.
Only took a few months for that to happen…
Since august, people.
Bella is stressing more and more everyday about our impending home.
I try to aid in alleviating her worries.
But that’s akin to whizzing in the dark trying to aim at the target.
No Rosie.
No Reba.
I did manage to complete my semester with an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ on my final tally.
I am unsure as to what my final grade for my third class will be, though.
I had a 95 prior to the exam in there.
I suspect nothing lower than a ‘C’ for my final grade.
In the three pictures I have posted:
The. Best. Damn. Ornament. EVER.
Harley Farley is still such the Mama’s boy.
(I’m glad he isn’t a real boy, cuz he’d never make a good husband!!)
And lastly,…
Ne’er has one seen a cuter reindeer!!
(…And ne’er has a reindeer looked so humiliated.)
This past weekend, Bella and I accomplished a lot around the house.
Fussing over allowing Harley to sleep in the bed with us,…
We saw Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Imporium in Columbia Saturday night.
Excellent children’s movie.
Not so much an adult’s flick,
But wonderful and magical innocence at best.
Bella’s family had their annual Crimmus reunion, also on Saturday.
I know she had a great time and we both had wonderful food!!
I wouldn’t know WHAT to do if I had FIVE uncles!!
It’s amazing how every family operates individually.
The uniqueness…
And in my family’s case-
The psychosis.
I wish I had a good book to read over the holidays.
I am steadily working on my two paintings.
The slower I work,
The more satisfied I am with the final product.
I am looking forward to Mason’s visit…
Him + Oysters (+ maybe Crab Legs) = FANTASTIC TIME!!
I have nothing else to talk about.
“And the world takes a collective sigh of relief.”
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
belated enlightenment at its finest.
Posted by State of Grace at 1:15 AM