Wednesday, April 25, 2007

letting go.

okay, so check this out--
I let go of the disappointment,
and what happened?
It freaking worked out for the best!!
My brothers are coming to my birthday party!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Granted her actions are not cool,
but that is her cup of tea.
that is not to for me to judge.
moving on…
I hate it when people prove me right.
I understand that from time to time
we all must relearn forgiveness
and learn to move on.
but when you have somebody who proves to be a dumb ass
time and time again,
whats the lesson we’re supposed to learn from that?
I don't know,
I just know that I am irritated with this person.
I mean,
I try to give him the benefit of the doubt,
and yet I am repeatedly proven wrong.
It truly is such a shame when people have their priorities wrong.
may be that comes with growing up.
I am not perfect;
I have been guilty of not having my priorities in order.
but you learn through trial by fire.
get burned enough times
and you will learn your lesson.
while growing up,
you also learn to your true friends are.
trial by fire.
when you hit that stage of 19 to 23 years of age,
it becomes all about drama and who your latest fuck is.
everything else flies right out the window,
nothing else matters.
but around 23,
it all gets jaded.
by then,
you know who your true friends are,
and hopefully you have your priorities corrected by then.
I hope that he finds his way,
I wish him no ill will.
I just am not that friend to put up with the drama anymore.
my world no longer consists of that stuff,
thank goodness!
It is amazing how far it can seem that we have traveled on our journey,
when in reality,
we have barely made any distance at all.
What is behind us pales in comparison to what lies before us.

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much
as your own unguarded thoughts.
Develop the mind of equilibrium.
You will always be getting praise and blame,
but do not let either affect the poise of the mind:
follow the calmness, the absence of pride.
Sutta Nipata

Just as a mother would protect with her life her own son,
her only son,
so one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings,
and loving-kindness towards all the world.
One should cultivate an unbounded mind,
above and below and across,
without obstruction, without enmity, without rivalry.
Standing, or going, or seated, or lying down,
as long as one is free from drowsiness,
one should practice this mindfulness.
This, they say, is the holy state here.
Sutta Nipata

The fool thinks he has won a battle when he bullies with harsh speech,
but knowing how to be forbearing alone makes one victorious.
Samyutta Nikaya I, 163

Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise.
Surangama Sutra

Reconciliation is to understand both sides;
to go to one side and describe the suffering being endured by the other side,
and then go to the other side and describe the suffering being endured by the first side.