Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Boo-Yah Mother Fuckers

after my test yesterday
to destress i bought myself a CD
(not a habit i need to get into)
splendid CD
his remake of TINY DANCER is better than the original
SHE'S MY KINDA RAIN makes a sentimental fool outta me every time
and I KNOW HOW TO LOVE YOU WELL a thoughtful sincere ballad that'll bring a tear to your eye
i know its a CD thats a couple a years old, '02
(gah, has it been THAT long?!)
then last night
Bella did the SWEETEST thing
she bought me James Taylor's Greatest Hits CD offa Amazon
i have this old scratched up burned CD of him that i play 24/7
so she bought me one that wasn't scratched
its the little things that mean the mostest to me
that touched me so much
i, in turn, bought her something
i bought a pair of beautiful pewter goddess earrings from a fellow lesbian in decatur
she decided to throw in an extra suprise since i'mma carolina girl
she's from charleston
so i thought that was kinda cool
a lotta coincidences
everything happens for a reason
our PC's givin me trouble...again
hopefully VR will pull through for me double time
typing so much with school is making my hands hurt
so i'mma see about that voice activated typing program
that'd mak my life...and school, a lot easier
Heather came by today
she's really nice
we went to Cracker Barrel for brunch
all was going swell until this old man spoke to me
i know he meant well
but don't people think about other peoples' feelings anymore?
his God might see me as an angel so he says
but God and me ain't on speakin terms when it comes to why i am the way i am
i got the shit end of the stick on that one
but, it is what it is
no use in cryin over spilled milk
i don't want to be reminded of my short comings, literally
enough "friends" & foes from my past already jaded me enough about it
trust me, there's plenty of insecurities about it
enough so i don't need anybody else to point it out
or try to pity me
i'm glad i was born, don't get me wrong,
i love my life,
but ya know, i didn't deserve this
i have to say,
i honestly question a God who does this to undeserving people
maybe thats why i'm having a hard time finding my spirituality
in fact,
i know thats why.
but anyways,
enough of that shit.
i can't wait to go home this weekend!!
i miss my Mawmaw & my brothers & sisters

With a holy host of others standing round me
Still Im on the dark side of the moon
And it seems like it goes on like this forever
You must forgive me
If Im up and gone to carolina in my mind
In my mind Im goin to carolina
Cant you see the sunshine
Cant you just feel the moonshine
Maybe just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes Im goin to carolina in my mind