Tonight Will & Grace ended.
Grace said
'Destiny is something for young people to believe in.'
I can't help but to be reminded of Fat Bastard. How true is her quote indeed.
In childhood,
Its so easy to find hope in the fictitious basis
Of fairytales that are embedded in our fabrics from birth.
We are led to believe the biggest lie ever told;
Girls are the lesser of two.
The mesmerizing knight in shining amour saves the day
And happily ever after ensues.
The seed of truth veiled within the complicated
Poisonous dreams of our youth
When the disheartening truth
Reveals its nasty core
Broken hearts are left behind the hurricane’s wrath
The girls’ inner empowerment metamorphoses
Into the beautiful, strong woman
Perhaps you could say…
Meant her to be.
Definitely one could say
Her survival of her first love,
Her strength,
Is rooted in her Will & Grace.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Say Goodnight Gracie
Posted by State of Grace at 9:46 PM