well today my Bella worked the a.m. shift.
that means she got up at 4:30 this a.m. to be at work by 7.
that blows big nasty putrid green chunks, doesn't it?
she's durrin it again tomorrow.
i have decided to talk to my psychiatrist about a few things;
i think my meds are not working for my depression
& I believe my anxiety needs to be treated more so than the depression.
i believe the anxiety is out weighing the depression big time.
it has now, yet again, begun to effect my sleep.
and that, mon compaines, i'll not tolerate.
today i drowned myself in a painting.
Bella said so far it looks awesome,
i hope she is right.
because just as with my writing,
i think my paintings sukk.
but thats just my self esteem issue showing its nasty head.
i hope it turns out truly great...
and that i don't let anyone down, including myself.
i think i've decided to major in Business & minor in Mass. Comm.
if i haven't already stated that before.
i have short term memory loss,...
i inhaled too much methane gas ( aka, FARTS ) as a child.
" but i digress, "
i'm glad i got my PC room cleaned finally.
it feels nice.
when i get paid again,
i'mma order me some Tink wallpaper border for the room.
( that's to match my soon- to- be- mine Tink door, ofcourse. )
i'm lookin fwd to going to greenville the weekend of the 18th.
we're going to see the dog show,
see my sister, Jack.
feeling mucho better today,...
no trembles, no jitters, no shakes,...
it was dem dere nicotine patches, i tell ya.
i'm out of here.
peace, luv, n chicken butt.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Blah, Part II
Posted by State of Grace at 10:49 PM