Thursday, November 10, 2005

Save Us From W

i got incredibly lazy tonight
after my honey left for work
all i did was vaccum
smoked my cigs
ate supper
drank my coke
and watched TV
i watched some shit on the Nat'l Geographic Channel
about humans living the vampire lifestyle
drinking blood
but hey
to each is own
i watched something i never ever ever do
the o'reilly factor (sp.?)
people get so anal about stupid stuff
all this political correctness is a pile of dung beetle's shit
its like this:
bush is a babboon's ass
he's stupid
a liar
and the list goes on
(his approval rating is currently at 36% according to Fox News)
he will ignore and neglect our country's hurricane victims
put his white house staff through Ethics Classes
play Marco Polo with Bin Laden
force Christianity down other cultures' throats
get preferred treatment in Vietnam
(though he denies it)
it is obvious that he doesn't give a damn about our country
or the people he's supposed to stand for
he thinks the same of the shit that rolls off his ass
as he does
our fallen soldiers in the East
and our slain hurricane civilians
at least Bill did it right
he at least got to fool around in the Oval Office
that's 100 Xs better at serving our country
than what's in there now
getting off that ignorant homophobic/shit eater/ daddy's boy...
Bill O'Reilly is irritating as hell
my BP went up just listening to him
people just need to revert back to the old days...
make peace & love,
not war