well today was very nice
very relaxing
when i awoke
my Bella
had most of the clothes done
so we played around for a lil while
then she cleaned up the bedroom
and i cleaned the dishes
then she cooked supper
fried fish and french fries
then she cleansed the house
the atmosphere is so nice
its free of impurities
later on, i got online
after she left for work
my uncle and i get into another star wars discussion
like old times
i'm still a dweeb at heart
what can i say?
then a vampire trans sexual IMs me on yahoo
he/she/it says
it wants to bite my neck
only me,
i swear
i'mma tell yall...
only me
while meditating
i let my thoughts wander
i'm still coming to terms with my past
certain ex-loves that bothered me
but i am over coming it
just as i am with my anger
i've truly come to the conclusion
that everyone we encounter in our lives
have some sort of impact on us
be it a good or bad experience
it is all a learning process
nothing is a mistake
the difference
between a wise man and a fool
is that the wise man learns from his experiences
i have figured out
that there are certain people in my past
whom i will always have in my heart
the time spent with them
touched me in some profound way
i loved them
some all be it
on different levels than others
but nonetheless
i still loved them
i used to think that peace could only be attained
the day i was " over " those certain individuals
but if that day does ever come into fruition
then i have back stepped
because that means i will have forgotten
all those lessons that were so hard to learn
no longer do i yearn to be with them
i just yearn to never forget
so i can put my all into my relationship with cheryl
and not make the same mistakes again
its just a matter of coming to terms
being at peace
with my actions
and choices
that once seemed so far fetched
i am there
the purple flows in and out
the circle has gone round
life is as it should be
peace is attained
thank you goddess.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Trans Sexual Vampires & Inner Peace
Posted by State of Grace at 11:53 PM