Saturday, September 24, 2005

Aliens, Fuzzy Ralph, & Blessings

well i went home again
spent a delightful evening with my family
margaret, mom, ellis, wisabus, cheryl, & i
all laughed and had a ball over supper
truly the best time spent with them in years
alex and steve were on the way home from hunting

cheryl and i both got sick
fun fun

stayed at ash's motel
the motel security staff
formidable intimidators

poor ralph the turtle
now all fuzzy
suppose i shoulda listened to my mom
and put him in alkiehawl
so tomorrow
cheryl and i will make the journey to her parents' house
for ralph's funeral

making awesome progress in therapy
confronting the reasons for my anger
its hard to do that
i can write words to melt my lovers heart
yet i cannot verbalize
the hurt caused by my sperm donor

my lil texan is okay
she was fortunate to not get hit by rita
what a relief that is

when we were in flotown
i treated myself to a hair cut and color
my auburn hair now has blonde highlights
my family doesn't like it
but i do
as well as my sweetheart

cheryl and i met wisabus
at redbone for lunch
that was the first time
we were disapointed by their food

on the new tv show called threshold
aliens have invaded earth
they invaded camden military academy
i coulda told yall a helluva long time ago
aliens invaded that friggin school years ago
and his name...
billy doar

cheryl is on her mission
to find a new job
cross your fingers

while in florence
i put yellow daisies on my nana's grave
i am finally at peace with that situation
i still have my angel alive in my heart

life is hard
but when you sit down
to look at what's really important
family, friends, your loved ones, and your health
life is good

we need to observe
the catastrophic chaos and enormous craziness
in today's god forsaken world
and count our Blessings
to be thankful for what we do have