happy birthday,
momma linda
i know we been through some shit
and haven't seen eye to eye on everything
but you were a mama to me when my own wouldn't be
you were there for me through it all
you wouldn't let me shut down
and shut any of yall out
i may not be your child
(thank goddess cuz that'd be kinda scary, no?!)
but when it gets to the wire
you've been my mama like nobody else
thank you
i love you
( i'll do my rendition of " its 5 o'clock somewhere "
in your honor bc its your bday)
tonight i cooked a big romantical dinner for my suga butt
(lol ha ha cheryl)
candle light, relaxation CD playing,
some funky new chicken recipe,
yellew rice,
and sauteed veggies
she said it was good
no weird dreams this a.m.
in an odd way
i miss them
it was something to look forward to
sushi tomorrow
goddess help me make it through
i ask this to all yall
anybody with a sufficient or half logical answer
please email me
why would a queen (faggot) have laura croft's lucious face
tattooed on his back?!
any note worthy theories have completely escaped my brain
* btw, i luv ya hun, just tryin to figure ya out *
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Mama Linda & The Fag Mystery
Posted by State of Grace at 10:55 PM