Friday, July 01, 2005

An Angel, A Drunken Bat Boy, and Gettin 'Er Dun!!

a comforting visitor loved me again in my dreams.
a voice unwillingly forgotten,
called my name.
love blanketed my whole essence...
i was safe,
truly loved, and wanted.
her cheeks,
still carried a rouge
one shade too dark
for her milky white complexion.
the twinkle in her eyes was there,
her glow still in tact.
but then again,
she is my Angel
when she was here on Earth and still though she's in the Heavens above.
many seasons have come and gone since her departure.
i fought to selfishly still have her in my dreams.
it wasn't until i let go completely
did she hold me and tell me she loves me unconditionally.
i love you too, my Nana.

Harley went to be de-nutted today.
he shit in the middle of the petsmart store
how horrifying!!
when he came home
he looked like a drunk bat boy.
i'll post the pictures of him with the collar
as soon as Cingular has fixed the outage problem for SC

i took charge today
(like i have been doing recently,
in my Femme to Butch metamorphisis,
* AHEM * if ya catch muh drift)
went power speed grocery shopping
45 minutes!!
hey you do that in Charleston
minutes before the 5 o'clock (somewhere, LoL, love ya Mama Linda) traffic
then i took charge with the Cingular TS on the phone tonight
cheryl says she likes this side of me,
yes sir-ee bob!!