Wednesday, May 27, 2009

natural health blog,

The Healthy Fellow blog site is a great educational tool. The ranges of health topics it covers is a wide spread. The site is easily navigated and easily understood. This website is not a boring, run of the mill medical terminology mumbo jumbo. It uses everyday language for everybody to thoroughly understand. With its daily entries, blog style, something new can be every single day. On the right side of the page you will see a tag section that will enable you to seek out a topic easier and quicker. If you wish to receive the daily entries by email, all one has to do is subscribe by email. To visit this natural health blog’, please visit,

Friday, April 18, 2008

dear blog,

i have arrived at a bittersweet decision.
its time to say goodbye to you.
its not that i haven't enjoyed my time here,
but i feel i need a change...
i am afraid i've outgrown you.
that's what life is all about, right?
be it good or bad,
like the stems of a plants,
we grow.
i won't be erasing you, my little blog,
i could never do that.
you have become my foundation on which i walk upon.
i just won't be contributing to you any longer.
as for my new blog,
don't be jealous.
she is young and tender, and i'll mold her just like i molded you.
she'll never replace you, my dear old blog.
for those scarce few who chance upon you,
shall email me and i'll send them an invite to my new blog,
as it is a private one.
fall fades to the still of winter,
and from the dead arises a phenomenal rebirth,
there's a reason my birthday is in the spring.
just when i feel like i am gasping for air...
here comes spring,
and i am invigorated once again.
cosmically taureans are opposed and obstinate to change,
but i feel it necessary at the moment.
growth can only be good.
i have had a bittersweet affair with you,
but alas, it is time to depart and find my new ground elsewhere.
but you, you are like my tattoo,
always with me.

with love always,
state of grace.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


the boys are gone
and the only noise is my dawson's creek soundtrack playing.
Honey is sleeping off a migraine,
and the dogs are sleeping off...i don't know what,
lazy bastards.
i am going through nicotine and caffeine withdrawals and its a bitch.
i am antsy and restless as hell.
damnit, boy.
no kool-aid tropical punch Jammers can take off the edge.
my flowers outside are so beautiful,
we've done a good job on them this year.
i am sooo eager for school to be over.
i cannot concentrate,
it feels as if there's a dense fog preventing me from kicking usual ass in school.
which, in turn, aggravates me even more.
anyways, i'm off like a trojan at a bareback-a-thon!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


i been thinking...
i was his own flesh and blood,
yet he didn't even know me.
he had all of these assumptions about me,
and most likely only .01% of them were/are true.
he didn't know me and he hated me.
can you imagine hating somebody that you TRULY don't know?
what does that say about us if we hate them back simply because they hate us?
unwilling particpants in this vicious cycle of hate?
i think that is what i regret while he was alive.
i regret playing along in that shallow cess pool of a 'game.'
i am not saying that i regret not having a relationship with him,
i am saying that i regret not being okay with not hating him.
i now understand more than ever that sometimes people don't have the capabilities to go beyond their initial judgements of people to look just beneath those book covers.
and that's okay.
maybe they're holding onto a grudge?
maybe they're scared that they've changed, that they've grown up?
maybe they are scared to see the truth of the person?
maybe they're scared that their reason for hating them will dissipate if they truly saw them?
hate can become a comforting crutch that we get used to, if we allow it.
if you take the hate away, then, what?
what will fill its void?
its scary;
uncharted territory.
you cannot expect people to go past their comfort zones.
i wouldn't want anybody doing that to me.
but i tell you,
i get it.
i'll be okay with somebody hating me that doesn't even know me.
what this world needs is more compassion and less hate.

Monday, April 14, 2008


i am discovering many things;
it is hard to keep a set of twin 12 year olds occupied,
"family jewels" are a precious commodity,
fuck or god damnit rolls as easily off their tongues as hey or whats up,
their musical repertoire is much broader than mine
(seeing as to how their favorites include those born 30 years MY senior),
they try to be big and bad but underneath it all they still don't want to sleep alone,
my dogs are annoying, hard headed assholes whom i love and loathe simultaneously,
and it IS possible to unknowingly get sun burned in 68 degree sunny weather while doing yard work.
my top half looks like a damn strawberry,
while my bottom half is as white as cream...
*perverted joke of the day*
strawberries and cream.

ha. okay.
it sounded funny in my head but now that i've typed it out and actually LOOKED at it,
it looks stupid.
so cross that out.

ah, the beckoning sounds of burping, farting, smelly twelve year olds...
nothing quite like it.

peace out, my friends.
i am being called to show who's the boss on the super nintendo.



i also just discovered that i feel TOTALLY helpless when a pre teen looks at me for help when he's in mid puke.

"what THE HELL do i do?!" ran through my mind,
but this THING inside of me kicked into over drive.
i poured a cup of ginger ale, and made the boy take pepto-bismal caplets.
after he gained some composure,
he took the vomit soaked trash can and towel out onto the back porch,
as i ran him a new bath and offered him girly bubble bath without any future threats of humiliation about it,
then persuaded him to stay in the newly drawn non-bubble bath to "let the medicine kick in."
then, i put his ass to bed with mr. shit breath himself.

so here i sit listening to a mixture of the Juno Soundtrack
and various other songs,
contemplating what just occurred.
it coulda been worse,
especially that its Alex, not Ellis...
one my fellow hyperchondriac.

speaking of being a hyperchondriac,...
i feel a bit better.
not on the outside (because be damned my allergies),
but on the inside.
i feel a bit more complete...
a bit more at peace.
i don't know why,
because i don't know what will happen,
but for whatever reason, i have faith.
maybe this is what the christians talk about?
i don't know.
maybe its just because spring is here?
maybe this isn't a coincidence?
spring is a rebirth,
and its when my birthday is.
Persephone has returned above ground.
on the inside it just feels like whatever's out there,
whatever that driving force is,
is saying to me, "okay, okay kiddo, you're taken care of for a bit. breathe."

Friday, April 11, 2008

plop, plop, fizz, fizz.

okay so today is a lot better.
reconfirming faith can have one helluva effect on one's state of mind.
faith in anything.
in one's own self,
in the world,
in the good,
in friends,
and perhaps even family.
but i think that's perhaps the biggest cookie to chew without choking-
family, that is.
you see,
you can choose your partner,
your lover,
your friends,
even your enemies.
but the one thing, my dears,
that we do not have the leisure to pick and choose is our family.
being the oddball, quirky, OCD-control freak that i am,
this unnerves me.
i can change my scenery,
just as i did.
i can change my lovers,
just as i (painfully and blissfully) obviously did.
i can even change my friends,
but somehow the truest of all friends seem to follow you through those scenery changes.
every Hall has its Oates,
every Blanche has her Dorothy,
and every Pooh has its Piglet.
somehow it is within these scenery changes,
within these chapters,
that a character begins to come into ones' self,
via self awareness.
in that journey,
the standards in which we inexplicably compare ourselves to
are our parents.
and i think we go through these stages in which we inadverdantly loathe ourselves
because of this.
my therapist would probably disagree, but whatever.
i am learning that it is okay that this man,
he was my father.
whether i like it or not.
i cannot change that fact.
i cannot change who or what he was,
which is painfully obvious.
it is ironic to say that the embicile who was ashamed of me
was the one who did the embarrassing deed instead of me.
i am embarrassed and ashamed to HAVE to say he was my father.
but you know what?
i can change me.
that, i can do.
the only thing i shared with him was i have half of his DNA.
and that is ALL.
and you know what?
though the little girl inside of me is still saddened by every aspect of this,
the adult that i am becoming (begrudgingly) is very pleased that that is ALL i shared with him.
what a relief that is.

plop, plop, fizz, fizz.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

saving grace.

One time around the block
2 times around the clock
3 times don't cross the little lady

So pretty & oh so bold
got a heart full of gold on a lonely road
she said "I don't even think that God can save me"

(Am I) gaining ground
(Am I) losing face
(Am I) lost & found by Saving Grace
Thankful for the gift My Angel's gave me

Born alone
We die alone
'n I'm just sittin' here by the phone
waitin for the Lord to send my callin'

Street wise from the boulevard
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard
She's only tryin' to keep the sky from fallin'

Any man says it's Heaven & Hell
Prob'ly got somethin' useless to sell
You ask me if I'm saved but what's it to ya?

Blow a quarter
cop another eighth
you're runnin' out of high, you're losin' your faith
Throw your hands up & scream halleluiah

halleluiah x4 Amen

One time around the sun
another year older and my work ain't done
it's time for me to write the final chapter

Deal the cards & roll the dice
sex drugs & rock n roll are my only vice
tryin' to figure out just what's here after

halleluiah x6 Amen